Learn from Corporate Managers
Attached and learn directly from Corporate Managers who are currently on the role and get direct mentoring on essential business and social skills.
Value for
future application
Stand out from your peers for career or university application with recommendation letter and/or cerificates from company.
Industry Knowledge and Function Education
Hand-on and direct exposure to the industries knowledge and functional knowledge needed to excel in the role within the company.
Build a
professional network
Establish professional network with mentors, coaches and business executives.
Project and Problem Based Learning
Assigned to function-related task. Participate in workshops and working with team to embark on solution findings.
Career guidance
and mentoring
Received guided mentoring and advice from professional executives for your future career development.
Consulting, Sustainability
Marketing, Branding
Investment, Consulting
Current Programs
We’re Good with Numbers
How it works
Each program varies from one another and may involve a set of assignments and prerequisites for which specific skills are required. Before applying, you should understand the type of training and commitment of the program.
Virtual GAP
Online Program
3 - 4 weeks
~ 20 Hours commitment
Onsite Program
5 - 6 days
~ 20 Hours commitment
Customize your learning and training by adding career-ready program ontop of your corporate training. Eg. Cross-cultural training, Social Media training, mock interview, self-assessment profiling and many more.